
Discover your path after education with Futures

22nd July, 2022 Read time: Two minutes

Now that your A-Levels are in the rear-view mirror, you’re probably thinking about your next destination.

There are plenty of other options available for where you’re heading next. 


"I want to get a job." 

If you’re ready to jump right into the world of work, we have jobs that are suitable for school leavers available right here, right now.

From Holiday Hosts at the Skills Group to Retail Superstars at Greggs, you can check them out over on our Vacancies page. 


"I'm thinking of doing an Apprenticeship." 

Why choose between a qualification and a job when you can have it both ways? Apprenticeships are a great way to learn on the job, earn some money, and end up qualified in the sector you’re interested in.  

Take a look at our current apprenticeship vacancies to see what’s right for you.


"I'd like to complete a short Maths or English course."

Grades not quite what you needed them to be? Not to worry – you can brush up on your Maths and English skills and get the qualifications you need with Futures.* 

What’s so great about completing a skills course with us? 

  • Our courses are delivered over Microsoft Teams, so you get personalised classes from the comfort of your own home – no running for the morning bus!

  • Our courses are delivered in 2.5 hour block over 13 sessions, so all of your learning will be done and dusted in just 32.5 hours

  • New courses start monthly, so if you’ve just missed out on one, you won’t have too long to wait for the next one 

  • Your exams can be sat remotely from home or in person at The Hub in Nottingham City Centre – whatever makes you feel more comfortable! 
“I found out about the English Functional Skills course at Futures by reaching out to a lady who helped with careers at my secondary school. She helped me to get in contact with the right people, and we went from there. The staff are nice and friendly and explain the work well – it's really helped throughout the course.” Courtney is completing an English Functional Skills course with Futures after leaving education. 


*Our functional skills courses are subject to eligibility requirements – get in touch to have a chat about whether our courses are right for you.  


Talk to Us 

If you’re not sure what's next for you, there’s no need to panic. You can book an appointment with our friendly advisers – they're experts in helping people like you to figure out their next steps.  

When I met Michaella, I knew nothing at all about what I could do when I left school. I now know more about my options and am ready for them. Dylan W from Nottingham received support from our advisers about what to do after leaving education.

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