

All businesses will face periods of disruption caused by restructure, redundancy or the retirement of an aging skilled workforce.  

Often it is at these times, when your people need you the most, you have the least amount of resources to allocate to people management and ensuring your staff have a path for their next steps.

In response to this, Futures have developed a government-funded Transition service allowing you to offer the highest quality of support for your people, to support them at challenging times at no cost to your business.  

All Transition packages are entirely bespoke to your business needs, however most commonly may feature: 

  • A rapid response service to support with immediate restructures or closures
  • Long term strategy for supporting phased redundancy plans
  • Career evaluations for staff impacted by restructure
  • Recruitment for newly created job roles
  • Access to Job Centre Rapid Response Fund 

This service is designed with your people at the heart of it, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your business strategy, while we ensure that all people enter and leave your business with a clear and confident outlook. 

Get in touch today

Privacy Notice: Your information will be handled in accordance with the principles and laws of the Data Protection Act 2018 and at no time will it be used for purposes that are not related to the delivery of our service to you. For further details of how your data is used, please view our privacy policy.

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